

* Letters from Doghouse in Higashi-Matsuyama *

writer aceこのページは、とあるスヌーピーのぬいぐるみの日記のページです(^^;)
This page is written by one of stuffed dog who live in Higashi-matsuyama (Saitama Japan) .

- Index -

Vol.1 96/11/10
* Idera Washed Stuffed Dogs
Vol.2 97/05/05★くたくたくん、旅をする★
*Softests stuffed Beagle flight to Hokkaido by Snoopy Special Airline.*
Vol.3 99/01/02★世界的に有名なすーぱーばいざーの休暇★
*The World Famous Supervisor in Holidays*
Vol.4 99/01/24★東松山犬小屋のスヌーピーたち その1-でーちゃん★
*Introduce to Stuffed Beagles by Fel. "de-chan"*
Vol.5 99/05/17★安心毛布倶楽部の表紙撮影記★
*Making of top page picture ( Big Stuffed dog with a CAR )*
Vol.6 99/11/06★謎のお客さん来訪★
*Mysterious Guest visited My doghouse*
Vol.7 00/01/29★えすぶいくんが帰ってきた★
*The world famous Supervisor retired*
Vol.8 02/02/10★ちびくたキャッチャー★
*Catching little soft Beagles*

All Contents written by The Beagle lives Doghouse in Higashi-Matsuyama.

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